Leanna S. Chojnacki, Secretary-General

Leanna Chojnacki

-What's your major?: Political Science and International Studies

-What's your graduating year?: 2013

-Where are you from?: Buffalo, NY

-What other clubs are you active in?: Mock Trial, Student Ambassadors, National Society of Leadership and Success, etc.

-Why do you participate in MUN?: I did Model United Nations in high school at Eden Jr./ Sr. High school where I found it to be a lot of fun, so when I went to college I choose to do it again, but at a higher level. For me I find it to be a lot of fun and at the conferences, whether it be ones in LEIMUN or for high schoolers, it is always interesting to meet new people.

-What's your favorite part about MUN?: I enjoy the thrill of debate and the knowledge that one gains from doing such a program.

-What have you learned?: Over the years I have learned a plethora of information such as how to solve crises, how to chair a committee, and overall how to be an effective speaker.

-What was your favorite conference experience?: My favorite experience with St. Bonaventure's Model United Nations program was going to LEIMUN and representing Oman in the Historical Security Council as Oman with Nick as my partner and during debate we exposed the United States's as well as United Kingdom's secret information regarding Russia to the rest of the delegates during open forum.

Lauren Michelle Loftin, Chargé d'Affaires

Lauren Michelle Loftin

-What's your major?: Political Science

-What's your graduating year? 2013

-Where are you from?: Queens, NY

-What other clubs are you active in?: Mock Trial, Voices

-Why do you participate in MUN?: I chose to participate in Model United Nations to broaden my horizons on learning and debating about International Politics while emulating the mission that the United Nations has instilled; the goal of world peace.

-What's your favorite part about MUN?: My favorite part of Model U.N. is learning about the distinct branches and organizations of the United Nations and the specific goals they try to accomplish.

-What have you learned?: I learned that it takes a lot to produce world peace among so many countries with varied problems that cannot be ignored. It takes a lot of understanding, compromise, and integrity to be a part of such an organization.

-What was your favorite conference experience?: My first and favorite conference was LEIMUN. I have to say it was one of the most fun and nerve-racking experience of my college years so far. I was a delegate from South Africa as a member of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. I was nervous in the beginning; however when I started to interact and speak my mind according to my country's goals, it was a piece of cake. I also won my first medal which was a bonus.

Kathryn Moore, Head Delegate

Kathryn Moore-What's your major?: International Studies

-What's your graduating year?: 2015

-Where are you from?: Albany, NY

-What other clubs are you active in?: Muslim Club

-Why do you participate in MUN?: I participate in model united nations because I enjoy debating, learning about different nations, and I would like to work in the United Nations in the future.

What's your favorite part about MUN?: Getting to meet new people, learning about different nations, and debating. -What have you learned?: How to write resolutions, working papers, and all the rules (voting perced procedures..ect) of the united nations.

-What was your favorite conference experience?: Getting to meet new people and bonding with my model united nations club.

Nick Garuckas, Undersecretary General for Committee Affairs

Nick Garuckas-What's your major?: Political Science

-What's your graduating year?: 2013

-Where are you from?: Cleveland, OH

-What other clubs are you active in?: SIFE, "Students in Free Enterprise"

-Why do you participate in MUN?: I do Model UN because I would like to be well rounded in all aspect of Political Science, including the International Relations aspect. This is a fun and informative way to have an interactive experience while performing class room learning. I also do it because Leanna said that I had to.

-What's your favorite part about MUN?: My favorite part of doing Model UN is going to the different Conferences and meeting other students from all over. This lets me see their different perspectives on issues and see how their Model UN programs are set up so I can get better ideas to incorporate into our program.

-What have you learned?: Through my experiences I learned that some starships were in fact not meant to fly.